About Advanced Solutions
Advanced Solutions is not your typical IT or business management company. Our revenue model is based on making you as self-sufficient as possible so that you can save money yourself. This also allows us to get you setup and going with minimal need for our continued support, and this allows us to help new and different Clients while also being able to support our past and current Clients. So it's a win-win for both of us if you can be as independent as possible. We do this by automating much of your business so that you and your team can concentrate on value-adding activities. Conversely, most management consulting and managed IT businesses have a goal in keeping you as dependent on them as possible. This costs you money and gives them a consistent revenue stream based on the perception that you can't manage your own business. We don't like that. Our job is to empower business owners to do the job themselves, do it well, and do it efficiently. We can be as involved in your operation as you want us to be. Just because you're a small- or medium-sized business doesn't mean you can't operate with corporate efficiency.
What else do we do?
Fast Return On Investment
You may be thinking that your business can't afford business management consultants. Did you know that most businesses can recoup those costs in as a little as a few months? Future savings and increased sales generally significantly outsize the initial investment. So if you think about it, maybe you can't afford not to hire us!
Did You Know?
Many small businesses are paying up to 400% more for their business software than they need to be. Often, small business managers will use the most popular software, which is also usually the most expensive and isn't any better than more cost-effective alternatives. For example, a business may use Quickbooks for bookkeeping and payroll. That would cost upwards of $100 per month alone.
Book a FREE Consultation Below Now
Advanced Solutions, LLC
207 N Boone St STE 14
Johnson City, TN 37604
Email : info@advancedsols.com
Website : advancedsols.com
Phone : 423-225-5995
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